Easy Access to Adult Criminal Data (EZAACD)
Iowa EZAACD provides access to multiple years of adult court disposed charges and convictions, including information on the district, county, age, sex, and race of defendants, and charge details (level, type and subtype).
All results are provided in aggregated, crosstab tables. If you are in need of something more specific or are unable to generate results as expected, please contact us for assistance (see Contact Us below).
Disposed Charges
Disposed charges provide data for all charged offenses, including charges that resulted in a conviction, as well as charges that were ultimately dismissed, acquitted, not filed or reduced. (Ex. If a defendant was charged with four counts of burglary but was convicted of only one count and all other counts were dismissed, all four original charges will appear in the counts.).
Convictions provide data for all charges resulting in a conviction. Cases involving multiple charges may also involve multiple convictions, and each of those individual convictions will appear in this data. (Ex. If a defendant was charged in one case with two counts of robbery and was convicted of both counts, then both will appear in the counts.).
learn more about the definitions of key terms used in this application.